1. First, you have to collect different samples of water from different watercourses. 2. Half-fill plastic bottles to using water samples from streams and close them well. 3. Shake the closed bottle for approximately 1/2 minute. Then open a bottle …
1) Ask students to imagine a city where they would put into practice everything they learned about the self-purification abilities of water systems. 2) Draw pictures and write essays about this. 3) What should the future city look like to …
Take the worksheet “Purification Functions in a River” and discuss different purification functions of a river. Draw a picture or make a collage painting that will give an impression about the importance of the riparian zone for all living beings. …
Explain how water cleans itself by filtering through a riverbed. Ask students what “Water passes seven stones and cleans itself” means. Which processes are meant by the saying that “A river runs through seven stones”? (the closest processes may be …
Explain to pupils that wastewater is diluted when it is discharged into a watercourse. What does this mean? Pour muddy water into four glasses (about 0.5 dl in each). Add clean water into glasses and mix well the content of …
Ask pupils if turbid water means that water is polluted? (Not necessarily. Turbidity may come from suspended sediments or plankton) Show some samples of turbid water from a river to the pupils and have a discussion: Why can water from …
It is important to have some idea of the freshwater macroinvertebrates likely to be present in good, clear water in your area. A list (e.g. Worksheet “Pollution detectives in rivers”) can be prepared with the animals most susceptible to organic …
Used water does not disappear. Although some of it is used for food and drinks, some of it evaporates, or we use it for watering plants, we return a large share of water to nature as polluted or used water. …
Explain to students that all living creatures are connected through complex food chains. Explain the terms “producers”, “consumers,” and “decomposers.” What do water animals eat? (Some animals eat plants, some eat other animals, and some feed on dead animal and …